Sunday, August 22, 2010

Christmas Shopping - 2012 / 2013

Give the uncertain times matter and see that not at all a good idea to overdo with Christmas shopping and bill to exceed, what we can afford now or what we saved for this purpose. How to achieve it?

One way is to shorten the list of people for whom to buy gifts. Small things to colleagues, the children of friends who will visit and etc. The final result can be a small amount but can become a substantial amount by the end of the holidays.

Another way is to do some things yourself. Most people are aware of the situation in the world and would have had an understanding - ultimately the spirit of the holiday was intended to demonstrate care that is not the same as shopping. Is it not better if we give delicious homemade cake or cookies (which can look great wrapped in cellophane and tied with a ribbon), which may be glad the whole family and to express much attention better than another series of gifts - "usual suspects" ...

And after we shortlist assessed and where we can give something done by us at home, comes the final step - to buy the best possible way, what we have decided. Here are some tips on how to do it if you have not already planned:

1. Decide how much money you can spend for gifts without debt.
2. Plan your costs better - put your limits for each purchase and not exceed them. Be sure to include the cost of Christmas dinner and gifts to yourself.
3. Bet on quality, not quantity and invest time in choosing the appropriate gifts to achieve maximum effect.
4. Explore the market - choose the appropriate features, models and manufacturers that best meet the interests and habits of the person for whom you choose and offer the best price / quality ratio.
5. Leave information to rest a day or two – it can come better ideas once you've set up to think in that direction.
6. What has he put prices online for your chosen gifts. Make a separate email to register at different sites and to obtain promotions. And it considered only when really you're looking to buy something special.
7. Make a list every time you go to shop. And now the hard part - stick to it! And do this not only for gifts when, but when you buy food or go out on another occasion. Now you have a chance to allocate some money even, if you careful with purchases and avoid spontaneous spending. And if you purchase by credit card you have more time to neutralize part of the bill with such tricks.
8. Use a credit card with cash back, but only if you extract to pay in full when it arrive. If you can not eradicate the account before starting to attract interest - then you can not afford these gifts and it is better to find alternatives.
9. If you have gifts in your list of people that you will see after the holidays, may postpone the purchase for later - after the holidays can be a new wave of reductions.
10. Do not hesitate to bargain. If you buy several things from a shop always ask if there is no loyalty program or discount for similar amounts. Your chances are greater if you speak with the owner or manager, so look for the right person before you put your question. Be prepared to leave if they look at you with a disdain. Even if you can not offer a better price should quit with a smile - today little things are only available in one place.
11. Be creative with the packaging.

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